An Example of how to begin using Social Networking to Promote your Blog and your Business

I am often asked, “Why do you belong to social networking sites? Aren’t those for kids?” In reality, Social Networking sites can actually be very useful tools to build and promote your business, and today I want to talk about just one example of how.

It has been my practice, since October of last year, to dedicate time and effort into developing an informative and useful blog – the one you are reading – focused on the topics of Internet marketing and website development. The main objective has been the promotion of my website development and Internet marketing business. To do so, however, requires a strict focus of attention to offering useful and powerful information to my readers. After you begin writing this kind of information, though, you need to actually find the people who will read it. Everyday, I am searching for ways to promote the blog and increase my audience.

Recently, a fellow blogger by the name of Tom Volkar set me on the trail of a powerful Facebook application called Blog It. Facebook is a social networking site as I referenced above, and different people and companies develop all sorts of “applications” that can be added to your Facebook account to do a wide variety of different things. This particular application, Blog It, actually helps to promote my blog. Here’s how:

Once I installed the Blog It application into my Facebook account (please feel free to connect with me in Facebook by going to the About page of this blog and clicking on the Facebook badge), I linked Blog It to my actual blog. I now had a way of connecting all of my Facebook “friends” to my blog. Every time I post to my blog using the Blog It application, all of my 96 friends are notified that a new blog post has been added. It’s that simple.

And the technical support available from Six Apart through the Facebook / Blog It Discussion Group is incredible. I give kudos specifically to Bryan Tighe at Six Apart for monitoring this discussion board and responding very quickly to everyone’s questions and concerns.

This is just one example of the potential power of the increasingly popular social networking sites, and one way you can begin to employ that power. Social Networking on the web….not just for kids anymore!

Published in: on May 7, 2008 at 3:07 AM  Comments (2)  
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